
Pope has cast removed from wrist, rehabilitation to begin


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Castel Gandolfo, Italy, Aug 21, 2009 / 10:20 am (CNA).- The Holy See's Press Office has issued a statement today announcing that the Pope Benedict XVI's personal physician, Dr. Patrizio Polisca, has removed the cast from the Holy Father's right wrist.

After wearing the cast for just over a month, Dr. Polisca removed the cast at Castel Gandolfo and took an X-ray of the Pope's wrist, which he fractured on July 16 while on vacation in northern Italy.

The X-ray showed that the fractured to the Pope's right wrist is healing as expected.

"The final results can be defined as optimum," the doctor said.

Pope Benedict will now begin physical therapy to recover the full use of his right hand, Dr. Polisca explained.