
Nearly 100 villagers saved after watching Jesus Film


Recently, the Jesus film was recently shown in a small African village. The Jesus Film team--accustomed to tremendous success with the film's viewings--was excited to be showing the film to many people who had never heard its message, reports MNN.

After all of the team's preparation, only a handful of villagers was present to watch the film. The team was dismayed, but they prayed for a positive response from the participants. Afterward, a team member explained more in depth what Christ had done for these people. Although a few villagers did accept the invitation for the Lord, the results were lower than anticipated.

The Lord is sovereign, however, and had bigger plans for this village. The next morning, the team set up a location for those to come who wished to talk more about Jesus. What the team didn't know was that many villagers had been listening to the film and the subsequent call to follow Christ from a valley further down the mountainside.

That morning, close to 100 villagers came to the Jesus Film team to pray and accept the gift Jesus had offered them.