
Anti-Semitic Group Unmasked in Kirovohrad


Kirovohrad—Experts of the Regional Department of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) of the eastern Ukrainian city of Kirovohrad unmasked a racist group which spread anti-Semitic ideas and planned terrorist acts near the city’s synagogue. According to the SSU, the group was unmasked in February. Investigation and the drawing up of documents continued for half a year. RISU’s Ukrainian-language site posted the news on 7 October 2008.

According to the site of the Kirovohrad State Administration, the group members prepared leaflets humiliating the dignity of the Jewish nation to spread them among the region’s population. They also planned to buy weapons and explosives to commit a terrorist act near the synagogue.

The racist group was headed by a resident of Kirovohrad, born in 1971, who gathered 14 students aged 18-20. They studied Nazi literature, including Hitler’s works, communicated through the Internet and called visitors of forums to kill the Jews.

All 14 young people admitted to planning explosions and preparing prohibited leaflets and encouraging hatred for the Jewish nation. The materials regarding the group’s activity have been forwarded to the Kirovohrad Public Prosecutor’s Office. Article 161 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine envisages a sentence of up to five years of imprisonment for committing the mentioned illegal actions.;25048/