
Vandals pulled down a cross and thrown it to the river in Moscow


Moscow, September 30, Interfax - The unknown delinquents have broken a cross, which was set in May last year on the bank of the River Yauza near Rayevskoye cemetery in Babushkinsky District, Moscow.

"A meter long lower part of the cross has remained. The cross was found in the river under the bridge. The incident was reported to the police. The case is being investigated," local resident Vladimir Kryuchkin told Interfax-Religion.

According to him, the incident took place last week and the cross was restored on Sunday. Fr. Nikolay Zorin conducted a prayer service and blessed the desecrated shrine on September 28, two days after feast of the Elevation of the Cross. About 40 people prayed at the service.

Local residents set the cross in protest against building the Russian-American Christian Institute in Yauza green zone near Rayevskoye cemetery where the defenders of Motherland were buried. They have collected signatures against RACI construction for a long time and strived to build an Orthodox church instead.