
Hundreds of thousands of Argentineans honor the Virgin Mary of the Rosary of San Nicolás


Buenos Aires, Sep 28, 2008 / 10:45 pm (CNA).- Some 200,000 people participated in the Eucharistic celebration near the Sanctuary of Mary of the Rosary of San Nicolás, for the 25th Anniversary of the appearances of Our Lady in Argentina.

The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by the Bishop of San Nicolás de los Arroyos, Héctor Cardelli who in his homily stressed that "when Mary calls us together, the family is reinforced, because the Mother is bringing her children together."

"How much she told us and how little we recall! How opportune was the intervention of Mary, who reminds us to listen to Christ the encounter with Him ensures the presence of the Kingdom here, among us," he continued. The bishop went on to emphasize that it has already been 25 years since "her maternal accompaniment has come to us and spoken of her love and fidelity to follow Christ, who is our Way, Truth and Life. Christ is the point of reunion, because from Him, our steps have a course, our motivations have direction and our lives make sense."

"Considering this brief history, if only 25 years, we see nothing more than grace after grace, where our faith has grown based on acts and the Word being translated into reconciliation, peace, prayer and mission," he concluded.