


WASHINGTON, D.C., SEPT. 22, 2008 ( As the U.S. presidential elections approach, the nation's bishops are seeking new ways to reach citizens with guidelines for voting according to conscience.

The episcopal conference statement, "Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship," has been available at the Web site

To encourage people to visit the site, the bishops are offering an iPod to a winner randomly selected from among those who register at the site to receive faithful citizenship resources.

YouTube is another venue being used by the bishops. Two videos from the Web site have been uploaded to the video-sharing site.

And the prelates are also using Facebook, a popular social networking site. A faithful citizenship page has been created there.

"We hope these efforts will encourage Catholics to respond to the call by the bishops of the United States to bring the values of their faith to public life," Joan Rosenhauer, associate director for the bishops' Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development, said.

These initiatives build on previous efforts to bring the prelates' election message to the faithful. The site itself already has featured interactive sections and downloadable podcasts. It also has a youth division, complete with quizzes and a discussion guide.