
Ukrainian Catholic U. Organizes Conference “The Kyivan Church”


The Institute of Church History and Institute of Ecumenical Studies of the Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) in western Ukrainian Lviv from 11 to 14 September 2008 organized in Kyiv an international academic conference, “The Kyivan Church: Ecclesial Tradition – Historiographical Problem – Ecumenical Prospects.”

“The conference was dedicated to problems of the continuity and historical legacy of the ecclesiastical tradition that was formed as a consequence of the introduction of Christianity as the state religion in Kyivan Rus.” So said Oleh Turii, director of the Institute of Church History. “For me, the most important thing, which I felt, is that this is an atmosphere in which a serious, qualified conversation about very concrete scholarly themes was conducted. This atmosphere in which the conference was conducted encouraged the participants to be more sincere, and this is the most important result, which was not artificially planned, but it became a consequence of the serious approach to very weighty problems.”

The conference culminated in a round table on the theme “A Single National Church in Ukraine?: Plans – Problems- Perspectives,” in which representatives of four parts of the original church of Kyiv presented reports: the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Moscow Patriarchate, Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Kyivan Patriarchate, and Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church.

“This round table demonstrated that none of those who reported ‘did not suffer’ in some way. Scholars and theologians talked about problems now not in a polemical tone, looking for what was lacking in someone’s argument, or what accusations were made. Instead, together they were looking for prospects of getting out of the situation in which we find ourselves. Here, I think, a ‘small miracle’ occurred,” said Turii.

Participants in the conference included bishops, priests, and scholars from Ukraine, Austria, Belarus, Canada, Holland, Germany, Poland, Russia, the USA, France, and others.;24657/