


VATICAN CITY, SEPT. 4, 2008 ( The upcoming Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops should promote the exercise of hope, as described in the encyclical "Spe Salvi," says Benedict XVI.

The Pope expressed this wish for the October 2009 synod in a message he sent to the president of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar. The papal message was sent on the occasion of a conference in Tanzania organized by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.

During the Aug. 27-30 conference, Cardinal Renato Martino, president of that dicastery, officially presented the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, which was published in October 2004, to the Church in Africa.

The Holy Father's message, to Cardinal Polycarp Pengo, archbishop of Dar-es-Salaam and president of SECAM, called for the application of the social doctrine of the Church to give hope to that continent.

He appealed to the conference participants to contribute with their reflection to the special assembly. The Pontiff particularly called for "places of learning and the exercise of hope."


At the conclusion of the social doctrine conference, the participants published 41 recommendations for the synod.

After noting how "traditional religions coexist with Christianity" in Africa, the participants emphasized the need for "dialogue and deepening of the faith."

In addition, they called for dialogue "with politicians, sharing values that will combat and put an end to tribalism, corruption, etc."

"The role of women in the Church should be underlined," the statement proposed. And "the Church must encourage the faithful to take part in economic activities; for example, the production of food, and the protection of natural resources.

"Interreligious dialogues, debates and activities should be promoted to foster reconciliation."

Another proposal is "to create a network among Churches in Africa to enable them to share their experiences."

Finally, the participants said they would invite the Holy Father to prepare a postsynodal exhortation for the Church in Africa.