
Hindu radicals take advantage of the Christians peaceful attitudes


"With great sadness we have to report to you about the violence in my nation in the state of Orissa," says Andrew Prakasam, President of Share in Asia, to Christian Telegraph. "We are at the mercies of God for the people who are greatly suffering due to the violence caused by anti-Christians in other words - militants who cannot tolerate Christ or Christians. They are instigated by groups from other states, funded by rich businessmen and aided sometimes by the local police. Who would people turn to if the police would not offer protection? To the Central Government? Usually, yes. In this case the central Government will call the local Government and the reports from the local government would be what the police would write as reports - of course which are false."

"What are the Indian Christians doing? They have approached the Chief minister - who is the head of the state to start an investigation and offer protection to those who need it. Yes, for a few days - they will offer protection to show everyone that they are doing their job. Little or no compensations are given to those who have been attacked. Usually, the people who have suffered violence would never come forward to report the atrocities done to them due to further attacks promised by the violators. Indian Christians will go to the area and offer aid to the people and write the reports and have it circulated so that Christians from all over the world."

"The Christians around the world should contact the Indian Ambassador in their country and put pressure to investigate and offer compensation and promise protection for the minorities. Insist that the violators should be brought to justice. Also, they should contact the Indian Prime minister's office and the Orissa Chief Minister's office listed. Above all, everyone should pray that these persecutions should stop and the children of God would find a place of worship with no inhibitions."

"Indian government would not take it seriously as it is a minority issue. If it was violence against Hindus, the whole country would arise and offer support and prosecute the violators. On the other hand, if it is was Moslem situation, the Moslem will take the law into their own hand and go after the violators and kill them. The Christians are very naive and would not fight back. The attackers take advantage of the Christians peaceful attitudes."