
Opposition to caste system is root of attacks against Christians in India, says archbishop


Rome, Sep 2, 2008 / 04:40 pm (CNA).- In an interview with Vatican Radio, the Archbishop of Ranchi in India, Cardinal Telesforo Placidus Toppo, said that the Catholic Church's defense of the sacredness of the human person and its opposition to the caste system are what is fueling the violence against Christian minorities in India.

"In the caste system, equality doesn't exist. That is why the Church's commitment to overcome the caste system is not accepted. For us the person is sacred," Cardinal Toppo said.

After acknowledging that "it is not easy to understand India," the cardinal noted that not all Hindus are extremists. "There are socio-economic-political factors at play, factors that are at the root of these incidents, of the burning of Christian-owned properties. Another factor is the law against conversions. We have clarified that we do not convert people by force," the cardinal said.

In response to these aggressions, he continued, the response of the Church "is that of Jesus, Christians have not responded to the aggressions. I think we will be given help by the central government and by the State," the cardinal noted, praising the many "good initiatives. And here let me underscore: equality among all is a threat for the fundamentalists."